How can you pay off your mortgage faster?
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How can you pay off your mortgage faster?

Updated: Apr 15

Owning a home is a dream for many, but the weight of a hefty mortgage (especially in these current times) can feel overwhelming. The good news is, there are ways to chip away at your loan faster, free yourself from debt sooner and position yourself to go on to grow your wealth through investment properties. Here are some key strategies to help you become mortgage-free quicker:


1. Understand the Interest Game:

●      Interest is calculated daily: Every day you have a lower loan balance means less interest paid. The sooner you start making additional payments, the bigger the impact.

●      Most repayments cover both principal and interest: Initially, a larger portion goes towards interest. As your principal balances reduces, your interest charge reduces, meaning more of each payment pays down the actual loan amount.


2. Make Smart Repayment Choices:

●      Embrace Extra Payments: Every bit counts! While we completely appreciate the increased pressure currently in the face of higher interest rates and cost of living, making additional payments towards your mortgage, even small amounts consistently, can significantly reduce your loan term and save you thousands in interest over the life of the loan. Many of the banks will allow you to change the frequency, timing or amount of your repayments and you’ll be surprised how some small tweaks can take years off your mortgage.

●      Explore flexible home loan options: These products provide access to credit while allowing you to direct extra funds towards your loan principal. Click here for more information:

●      Getting the structure right: Tailoring your loan structure to your circumstances can help you pay off your home loan faster. This is something we pride ourselves on at Advice Knight; if you feel this needs reconsidering do get in touch and we’ll suggest a strategic structure that is right for you.


3. Seek Expert Guidance:

●      Advice Knight Home Loan Review: Check in for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss personalised strategies for your situation. With access to all the major lenders we can help you make the best decision when it comes to refixing or securing new lending.


Remember: Paying off your home loan faster is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency and planning are key. By implementing these strategies and seeking professional advice, you can conquer your mortgage and achieve financial freedom faster.

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